Saturday, August 1, 2015

How do you think about this?

Poverty is very vital for people. no one born in the world want poverty but our fate is leader that order us in a bad condition depending on our action. some people do good action they will get good action, some people do bad action they will receive a bad action. Like in this video, one family is so poverty. Every day husband find money a little bid for family. This cannot support for family. One day wife of this husband decide to find money outside by herself. She often met rich man. One day she met a rich man and rich man said that if she want a lot of money she mush plays hot action with him. To receive huge money she decide to do this. To get much money she mush sleep outside almost day. This often cause a heart of husband to worry strongly. From day to day her husband known about this, so he ask his wife to divorce. If you meet this above problem how do you solve out the problem. I think that everyone really do not want to meet this problem.
                                                                    click here have video


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