Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ghost in front of Car

In this video, it shown that two old man aged about 50 years old pretends himself to be ghost standing car in night. One man stands to caught car in front and other stand behind. We don't know about their purpose that come to do like this. Some watcher said they did this in purpose of kidding and some said they have plan to robe it. However one old man was hided by car and he wounded seriously and his friend making a ghost like him ran to help him. We would like to advise to everyone that we should not do this because it seems to be silly and it is useless for them. The result coming to us is regrettable.

Is he crying?!? #karmaJukinVideo
Posted by RantCars on Sunday, August 9, 2015
Source: https://www.facebook.com/RantCars/videos/vb.453924354745903/574056979399306/?type=2&theater


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