Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Budhist Monk Lose a Way

News from Thailand released that there is one Buddhist monk using drug and lose way so long time. This monk is abbot of one temple in Chiang Mai province. The inhabitants said in the past this abbot is a good monk but a few months later this abbot is unusual before so laymen and laywomen suspect for this monk and they report this information to the police. Police said that this abbot used drug so long time but no one know about this. People added that this temple so far have many Buddhist monk staying but a few month after this abbot unusual both novices and monk left from this temple, so this made laymen and laywomen worry strongly that no monks and novices stay in this pagoda. They suggest authority to restore this temple.
Source:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxrtRoJep_A
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