Sunday, November 8, 2015

first wife and step wife

The guy in this video have serious problem with his wife when he brought his wife step wife to visit his home. When he arrives home his step wife get off car and problem occurred between step wife and first wife. The man got married to first wife so long years. When his wife get old he starts to go out to find partner. Problem often happens between husband and wife. Please watch detail about this story. Source:

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

water whirlpool

Amazing video! tourist encounter amazing monstrous whirlpool in field. This is one story that had never come before in the past. But this is first time happening in Europe. This is strange video that capture to post in Youtube. A huge people around the world watch this video which they think that it is a strange thing never coming in their countries. If you want to know clearly please watch this video. Source:

Friday, October 30, 2015

korean games

Amazing Video! This is Korean games that is very popular in Korea. Many people attend this games especially movies stars. This games often is played every Saturday and Sunday. They show this games according order of commentators. Showers wear Korean traditional clothes. It lasts one hours. The attendants are popular persons especially movies stars or popular singers. Let's go to watch this games. How they play it. Source:


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Corpse Ceremony

Amazing Video! Mr. Chadil Deffy decided to marry corpse bride after his girlfriend was faced with accident till death. His girlfriend is 19 years old. They fall in love each other so long time until they schedule to date of wedding. After he comes to know that his girlfriend is dead he starts to get marry with the corpse astonishingly. Everyone both old laypeople and youth participating to the ceremony appreciate him very much. Some cry and some dismay. Source:

Friday, October 23, 2015

Fish look human beings

Strange Video, in Europe, fisherman caught one fish like human. The fish characters like woman. A lot of people are astonished with the fish because they had never seen the fish like this. Both newspapers and TV broadcasted about this information. Scientists wonder strongly about this. They ask a question that why in the world have fish like human especially like woman. One used to see it in movies. But it is a fact. Please watch this video below. Source: