Friday, October 30, 2015

korean games

Amazing Video! This is Korean games that is very popular in Korea. Many people attend this games especially movies stars. This games often is played every Saturday and Sunday. They show this games according order of commentators. Showers wear Korean traditional clothes. It lasts one hours. The attendants are popular persons especially movies stars or popular singers. Let's go to watch this games. How they play it. Source:


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Corpse Ceremony

Amazing Video! Mr. Chadil Deffy decided to marry corpse bride after his girlfriend was faced with accident till death. His girlfriend is 19 years old. They fall in love each other so long time until they schedule to date of wedding. After he comes to know that his girlfriend is dead he starts to get marry with the corpse astonishingly. Everyone both old laypeople and youth participating to the ceremony appreciate him very much. Some cry and some dismay. Source:

Friday, October 23, 2015

Fish look human beings

Strange Video, in Europe, fisherman caught one fish like human. The fish characters like woman. A lot of people are astonished with the fish because they had never seen the fish like this. Both newspapers and TV broadcasted about this information. Scientists wonder strongly about this. They ask a question that why in the world have fish like human especially like woman. One used to see it in movies. But it is a fact. Please watch this video below. Source:

Thursday, October 22, 2015


ไมค์ พิรัชต์ เข้าสู่ร่มกาสาวพัสตร์แล้ว ครอบครัวปลื้มใจได้เห็นชายผ้าเหลือง ได้ฤกษ์ดีวันนี้ (21 ต.ค.) ของพระเอกหน้าหวาน ไมค์ พิรัชต์ ได้ละทางโลกเดินเข้าศึกษาพระธรรม ณ วัดไตรมิตรวิทยารามวรวิหาร กรุงเทพฯ โดยในช่วงเช้าได้ทำพิธีปลงผมนาคซึ่งมีครอบครัวพร้อมด้วย ซาร่า คาซิงกินี และลูกชาย น้องแม็กซ์เวลล์ มาร่วมอนุโมทนาบุญในครั้งนี้ Source:

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

lady take a shower

One lady, japan, takes a shower close to the mountain by thinking that no one can see her. But someone take a picture and post in a Facebook. This make her friend and relatives astonished by thinking that why she dare to do like this without a shame. A few day many people comment, like and complain by prompting her to delete the video clip. Source:

student learn

Vietnamese student made appointment in class. When they have no class, they start to play a hot game in quiet place close to school. They often do like this when their teacher don't come to school. The clip video lasts around 2 minutes but it is useful for every students in watching. Some student often made this activities without worry about their study. The action came like in class, behind school or entertainment place. Source:

Happiest Outside

Man in this video, he often went to outside to find partners to play hot game. The guy always do this when his wife is not in home or when his wife is sickness. One day when his wife is in home she did not see her husband and she gets to suspect on her husband. She starts to go out to find her husband she begins to know that her husband do hot activities with his partner in guesthouse.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Brahmin Doer

In the world there are a lot of religions like Buddhism Islam Kristan and so on. The teaching of the three religions have a little bit different beliefs. But their goal want all man to get happiness. There is only one religion existed in the world so long time, Brahmin religion. Its belief depends on spiritual action. Like in the above video, there is one lady going to meet ascetic to look her future life. But the teacher break rule of his religion with his arm touching leg of her, causing her to be so angry and go away. Source:


Saturday, October 17, 2015

This guy so lucky

Amazing Video, there are two students in guesthouse playing hot game. In that time lady is taking a shower after finishing a shower she went out from rest room and then this man run to touch her and play hot game with happily. But playing hot of this man is not success because this lady disagree. This guy is so angry after she refused this. The guy walk away from guesthouse with disappointed.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Romatic Film


Monday, October 5, 2015

Dance with me

This lady is very expert in dancing. She dancing with a music romantically. Who want her to teach how to dance? she may not charge for fee she will teach for free. But if you learn with her do you believe you can dance because you may have no concentration because of one thing, that's her beauty. See video link bellow for more details.Source:

Cambodian Police Crack down one Hotel in Phnom Penh Capital


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Beautiful Pictures


Strange Video


Saturday, October 3, 2015

Myanmar Monk Kiss and hug Lady.

Old Myanmar monk hug and kiss lady. This is one kind of traditional Myanmar. There are novices and monk and lay men and lay women siting around them. When you watch this video you will be confused and think that this monk did bad action with this lady. But it is not truth. What the monk did for this lady is one kind cure of heal in Myanmar.
Click here

Spiritual Ghost inside Virgint Thai Lady

Thailand girl have inside by ghost when she was in house a lone. This belief happened so long time especially for Countries professed Buddhism. When someone face this problem they always find good teacher to dismiss this ghost. It stays in the body when they make a mistake unmorality. But this problem never cause some one dead. click here